
DesertExile: April 2007

29 April 2007

Notice a name out of place?

Well, the Senate voted on Appropriations for the troops.

H.R. 1591 (U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 )
A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes

YEAs ---51
Akaka (D-HI)Baucus (D-MT)Bayh (D-IN)Biden (D-DE)Bingaman (D-NM)Boxer (D-CA)Brown (D-OH)Byrd (D-WV)Cantwell (D-WA)Cardin (D-MD)Carper (D-DE)Casey (D-PA)Clinton (D-NY)Conrad (D-ND)Dodd (D-CT)Dorgan (D-ND)Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)Feinstein (D-CA)Hagel (R-NE)Harkin (D-IA)Inouye (D-HI)Kennedy (D-MA)Kerry (D-MA)Klobuchar (D-MN)Kohl (D-WI)Landrieu (D-LA)Lautenberg (D-NJ)Leahy (D-VT)Levin (D-MI)Lincoln (D-AR)McCaskill (D-MO)Menendez (D-NJ)Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)Nelson (D-FL)Nelson (D-NE)Obama (D-IL)Pryor (D-AR)Reed (D-RI)Reid (D-NV)Rockefeller (D-WV)Salazar (D-CO)Sanders (I-VT)Schumer (D-NY)Smith (R-OR)Stabenow (D-MI)Tester (D-MT)Webb (D-VA)Whitehouse (D-RI)Wyden (D-OR)

NAYs ---46
Alexander (R-TN)Allard (R-CO)Bennett (R-UT)Bond (R-MO)Brownback (R-KS)Bunning (R-KY)Burr (R-NC)Chambliss (R-GA)Coburn (R-OK)Cochran (R-MS)Coleman (R-MN)Collins (R-ME)Corker (R-TN)Cornyn (R-TX)Craig (R-ID)Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)Dole (R-NC)Domenici (R-NM)Ensign (R-NV)Enzi (R-WY)Grassley (R-IA)Gregg (R-NH)Hatch (R-UT)Hutchison (R-TX)Inhofe (R-OK)Isakson (R-GA)Kyl (R-AZ)Lieberman (ID-CT)Lott (R-MS)Lugar (R-IN)Martinez (R-FL)
McConnell (R-KY)Murkowski (R-AK)Roberts (R-KS)Sessions (R-AL)Shelby (R-AL)Snowe (R-ME)Specter (R-PA)Stevens (R-AK)Sununu (R-NH)Thomas (R-WY)Thune (R-SD)Vitter (R-LA)Voinovich (R-OH)Warner (R-VA)

Not Voting - 3
Graham (R-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
McCain (R-AZ)
A "yea" vote was for a pull out from Iraq, for surrendering Iraq to the Islamofanatics, a vote to throw away the life of every American soldier who has been killed since April 2003.
This is who they are abandoning--soldiers and Iraqi citizens. (click on LINK)
NOTE: the maker of this video is a 16 year old girl who "Gets it".

26 April 2007

A man with Guts

Wow--This man has a pair between his legs, and is in Reality.
He made a speech in the Senate today that should shame other senator/quisling/white flag traitors.
Al Qaeda's own leaders have repeatedly said that one of the ways they intend to achieve victory in Iraq is to provoke civil war. They are trying to kill as many people as possible today, precisely in the hope of igniting sectarian violence, because they know that this is their best way to collapse Iraq's political center, overthrow Iraq's elected government, radicalize its population, and create a failed state in the heart of the Middle East that they can use as a base.
I do not know how to say it more plainly: it is Al Qaeda that is trying to cause a full-fledged civil war in Iraq.
Al Qaeda is not mass murdering civilians on the streets of Baghdad because it wants a more equitable distribution of oil revenues. Its aim in Iraq is not to get a seat at the political table.
It wants to blow up the table—along with everyone seated at it. Al Qaeda wants to destroy any prospect for democracy in Iraq, and it will not be negotiated or reasoned out of existence. It must be fought and defeated through force of arms. And there can be no withdrawal, no redeployment from this reality.
As one commentator pointed out, Senator "Benedict Arnold" Reid is betting that only two million personnel in the Armed Forces can not turn an election.
Honestly, Senator Harry "Dingy" Reid,--You are a fool.
You forget that soldiers have FAMILIES. You forget how mother's feel about sons. You ignore how a wife feels about a husband. They say "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".
Senator Reid, you will have to answer to mothers and wives of soldiers already killed in Iraq.
You will have to answer for people killed in future attacks inside our country. Virginia Tech will look like a "Warm-up"
By patronizing Al-Quaida, President AmaddogonJihad, and the dictator of Syria, you have made yourself OUR enemy.
If I had done what you are attempting to do, I would be deading might be done to me--either from a soldier who you allowed the "Insurgents" to kill his buddies, or a soldier who feels he is doing it out of self-defense--or a mother that you let the Islamofascists kill her son.


23 April 2007

Mass Murder-Solutions of misfits.

So, we are all treated to first news that a killer went around Virginia Tech, killing as he went. He took a break to send off to NBC an info packet worthy of a Public Affairs spokesman for a major corporation, which tells me he was NOT psychotic.
The NEWS then deluges us with minute details of the killings and still are.
The NEWS left out that the hero, Liviu Librescu, had been screwed over first by the Nazis, but then told he could not work by Communists in his native Romania because he would not sign-up to be a Party member. This led to his migration to Israel.
Now it is wailing and gnashing of teeth, and stupid solutions as to how to prevent the next
Cho Seung-Hui.
My Conclusion: The next mass murderer will still be able to take out as many people as he chooses. This is based on:

1. There is NO administrator, director, executive who has the balls to go against Political Correctness. While they mouth " We should do...", truth is they don't have the guts.
2. Guns. Anyone who wants one WILL get one. Look at Drugs--they are Illegal, yet we have millions of addicts and users, and Americans keep the cartels busy. Do you hear of them shipping drugs to Saudi Arabia? I think not.
3. LIBERALS who:
A. Give these misfits excuses. "Oh, he was an abused child" The BIG STORY about Cho was that he was "Bullied" asa child.
B. Make laws--that apply to administrators and cops only--that you can not release any information about a "Whack-Job" nutcase. We must protect his Privacy, you know--
C. Defend these Nut cases, and make them celebrities. If Cho had surrendered, I'd wager the ACLU would have been right there making sure that his rights were observed. We would have spent 20 years of taxpayer money on appeals--IF they found him sane. IF he was classed as Insane. he would have been out in four to ten years, and cured or "Rehabilitated".
For myself, any person who wants to should be able to carry a weaon. While LIbs predict gunfights, the opposite in reality is true.
Look at Salt Lake City--How many more people would have that young IslamoFascist Sulejmen Talovic been able to EXECUTE had not a policeman, legally carrying a weapon, had not shot him?

16 April 2007

Enough to make you throw up

Yesterday, traditional Tax Day, the Los Angeles Dodgers paid tribute to Jackie Robinson.
From people who follow baseball, I hear that Jackie Robinson and Frank Robinson, who was interviewed during the came, are "reverse racists", i.e., white people can nothing right, and black people deserve all the breaks, and can do nothing wrong.
I do not watch baseball. It's not a priority. However, one member of my family follows baseball, and wanted to watch the game.
The Commentators talked about Jackie Robinson--non stop!
The last straw was when a Dodger ball boy was hit in the head by a foul ball and was knocked unconscious. The crowd's attention was on the ball boy.
The Commentators continued the ad neauseum babble about Jackie Robinson.
At that point, we muted the TV.

14 April 2007

Things unpleasant to an older generation

The "big event" was that Don Imus said something that wasn't noticeably
terrible. I tried not to write about, because everyone else was.
But then, sitting over supper it struck me:
Washington radio station WMAL-AM fired talk show host Michael Graham yesterday after he refused to soften his description of Islam as "a terrorist organization" on the air last month.
Graham had been suspended without pay from his daily three-hour show since making his comments July 25. The station had conditioned his return to the mid morning shift on reading a station-approved statement in which Graham would have said that his anti-Muslim statements were "too broad" and that he sometimes uses "hyperbole" in the course of his program. WMAL also asked Graham to speak to the station's advertisers and its employees about the controversy.

Graham said he would not apologize "for something that is true." (By Stephen Salpukas)
CAIR applauded WMAL's decision. The organization had asked the station for a retraction or an apology, but "we didn't get specific on what [Graham] should say," said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman. "We were looking for an acknowledgment that his statements were anti-Muslim and hateful, and harmful to our community and our country's image."

Don Imus - never a friend of us conservatives - is being shafted by the mainstreamers thanks to the group that he ‘offended’, the African American left. By targeting this group with his attempt at dry humor, that yes, borders on racism, the radio personality has been suspended from his radio show for two weeks and if the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpten have their way, Imus will be off the air forever. Never mind that personalities like Rosie O’Donnell and Bill Maher regularly spew inappropriate rants at groups like Chinese Americans and Christians, for which rather than getting condemned by the main stream press, they get accolades. What Don Imus did was piss off the one group that no one is allowed to belittle and for that he will likely lose his job. What Imus said was wrong but what the liberals in this country are doing to the guy is even worse. What ever happened to free speech in this country where one could say something - no matter how ‘wrong’ - without the threat of reprisals?
Oh that’s right, it depends on who’s saying it and about who.
You see, when you put it together, CAIR is just using the same tactics that Sharpton/Jackson?Farrakhan have used for decades.
First, you find something to "Get offended about".
Then, regardless if the statement is true or false, you go to the "Offending Party's "boss or sponsors. You threaten the boss with a lawsuit, or start a boycott of the sponsors. In the day of "The Bottom Line", the boss either agrees to pay a settlement (Extortion) or fire the "Offending Party" .
And, to me, the kicker is that they both use the U S Government, funded by U S citizens, and the legal system of that government to either get that settlement or the "Offender" fired.
This is the same Government that ended Segregation and gave Blacks the right to vote. Yet Blacks seem to have np problem taking away someone else's freedom of speech.
If you are not in the U S, Islamo-Fascists will silence you by cutting off your head.
How's that for a free and open debate?!

13 April 2007

How did we ever get here?

The photo here was taken in 1942.
I'm the guy in the primitive stroller. That guy standing, feeding a calf, was my grandfather.
If you look closely, you will see that he has homemade prosthetic device for a left leg. In those days, if you lost a leg, there were crutches. However, if you were a worker, a survivor--they didn't make things so you could use both hands.
My grandfather MADE this attachment so he could keep working on his little farm. He didn't sit on his ass and wait for Aid from the Government, although debilitating welfare programs were around then, but only six or seven years into being.
My grandfather didn't whine and moan and expect someone to come and do his work for him.
You see, even at that young age, my grandfather taught me a lesson that the Marine Corps still teaches: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.
I always wondered if there were people out there like me. You see, I had a 16 year Boot Camp. My mother would turn over my bed or pour ice water in with me if I wasn't up at 0430 to start milking cows. If she declared that I had done something wrong, she hit me with what was handy. This went on until I was 16, and rebelled one day, and told if she ever hit me again for some BS reason, I was going to hit back.
In 1974, I transferred to San Diego with the Highway Patrol. I found the U.S.Marine Corps, and lived near some officers. What I found was that Marines have the closest set of values, ideals, and measures of accomplishment as I do.

07 April 2007

Finding meaning in life

In the last post, I commented somewhat on passing through casinos.
Things noticed:
--Usually, there are hundreds of slot machines.
--People sitting at the machines are often elderly or have a disability as indicated by a nearby oxygen tank or sitting in a powered wheel chair.
It seems to me to a real reduction in life expectation when your recreation is sitting in front of a machine, pulling a handle, and hoping that you will get something.
A physician who had practiced near casinos pointed something out to me. Casinos insure that patrons can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. The alcohol is to make you stupid--impair your judgement so that you bet or spend more than you should. The cigarettes keep you awake so that you can bet longer.
People think they are getting a real deal with bargain room rates and food that is priced about 1/4th the usual amount. As I pointed out to them: The casinos are not losing money. Yes, you will get your food and bed for cheaper--but they are going to make a profit. How? They are counting on you to bet your money--remember, the house wins at least 55% of the time.
People that sit at slots, or gamble I know consider it a mark of sophistication, and will boast about how much money they have won [They don't tell you how much they lost] To me, these people are ignoring big issues like world domination by Islamofascists and watching our country swirl down the toilet propelled by the illegal invasion of unskilled workers. They are like the people who want to be nice to muslims, and the most important thing in their life is who got voted off Survivor or American Idol.

06 April 2007

Thoughts in Vegas

In Vegas, everything that is interesting makes you go through a casino to get there.

There are classic cars, there are gardens, there are flamingos, there are gondolas, and there are name stars appearing in concert. But,you have to go through a casino to see any of these.

As to myself, I DO NOT GAMBLE.
In the early 60's, I was newly married and struggling to make ends meet. For five days a week, I was a Route Delivery/Sales/ Set-up/Merchandiser for 7-up bottling company.
On Saturday and Sunday, I worked for a while as a "Change" person on the betting line, then a ticket seller at the local horse race track.

Every weeeked, there was this fabulously wealthy guy who drove up from Phoenix in--a Cadillac--the MOST expensive car you could buy. He would bet $10,000 PER RACE.
Remember, you could buy a new car then for $1800 . My salry was $225 a month PLUS $.05 per case of sodas that I was able to sell. The top wage around town was $2. 00 PER HOUR.

One day, the guy hung around after the races. The people who worked the betting line would get a beer or soda, sit down together in the stands after the races and compare who had the most extreme bettors that day.

The guy asked if he can sit with us. Sure!

One lady said, "You must awfully wealthy--did you inherit?"

The guy," No, I am architect in Phoenix".

The lady," Wow, you must win a lot!".

The guy," No, actually I don't. A professional gambler can hope to win 45% of the time. So, you better have a good day job to support yourself"

I figured it out: Gamblers are like prospectors. With prospectors, that "Big Strike" is right over that next hill. With gamblers, it is the next hand, the next spin, the next throw that will win them that big pot.

In Vegas, I note that pawn shops are everywhere.

Thoughts in Vegas

In Vegas, everything that is interesting makes you go through a casino to get there.

There are classic cars, there are gardens, there are flamingos, there are gondolas, and there are name stars appearing in concert. But,you have to go through a casino to see any of these.

As to myself, I DO NOT GAMBLE.
In the early 60's, I was newly married and struggling to make ends meet. For five days a week, I was a Route Delivery/Sales/ Set-up/Merchandiser for 7-up bottling company.
On Saturday and Sunday, I worked for a while as a "Change" person on the betting line, then a ticket seller at the local horse race track.

Every weeeked, there was this fabulously wealthy guy who drove up from Phoenix in--a Cadillac--the MOST expensive car you could buy. He would bet $10,000 PER RACE.
Remember, you could buy a new car then for $1800 . My salry was $225 a month PLUS $.05 per case of sodas that I was able to sell. The top wage around town was $2. 00 PER HOUR.

One day, the guy hung around after the races. The people who worked the betting line would get a beer or soda, sit down together in the stands after the races and compare who had the most extreme bettors that day.

The guy asked if he can sit with us. Sure!

One lady said, "You must awfully wealthy--did you inherit?"

The guy," No, I am architect in Phoenix".

The lady," Wow, you must win a lot!".

The guy," No, actually I don't. A professional gambler can hope to win 45% of the time. So, you better have a good day job to support yourself"

I figured it out: Gamblers are like prospectors. With prospectors, that "Big Strike" is right over that next hill. With gamblers, it is the next hand, the next spin, the next throw that will win them that big pot.

In Vegas, I note that pawn shops are everywhere.

02 April 2007

Everybody has their own agenda-and the smarts to do it

This story was in the paper today-I'm sure it didn't get a lot of play:

PHOENIX (AP) — A Maricopa County court official told staff to stop asking inmates for their immigration status despite a constitutional amendment that denies bail for illegal immigrants accused of serious crimes, according to a newspaper investigation.
Penny Stinson, a Superior Court pretrial services director, made the order Nov. 17, shortly before the amendment took effect.
“Due to recent changes in the legislation and the liberty interest implications, we will no longer be asking defendants any questions regarding their citizenship,” Stinson wrote in an e-mail obtained by the East Valley Tribune.
Stinson tagged the e-mail high importance and “EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY” and sent it to 19 staff members. The message was copied to Commissioner Sheila Madden, whose job is to set bail for defendants in their first appearances before a judge.
In a second e-mail on March 19, Stinson reminded her staff of the directive and instructed them not to record any immigration information on paperwork.
“Please remember that we do not ask defendants any questions regarding their citizenship,” Stinson wrote.
This e-mail was circulated four days after a paperwork error led to the release of an illegal immigrant who is now wanted in a fatal stabbing last week in Mesa.
Police say Ruben Perez Rivera killed his cousin Tuesday night when he found the man with his ex-girlfriend. Under the terms of the law mandated by Prop. 100, Perez should have been in jail at the time of the stabbing while awaiting trial on felony charges of kidnapping and assaulting the ex-girlfriend on March 4.

There are a few occupations (Brain surgeon, rocket scientist, dentist, and Plumber) that escape critique lately.

From being a Law Enforcement officer, I know that EVERYBODY knows how to do that job better than I did.

President of the United States: Every smart ass College kid knows how he/she would do THAT job. Nancy Pelosi has just declared herself able to do the job of the President and the entire State Department. ( My question--What is she giving away in Syria?)

Meanwhile, back at today's paper.

This woman, a taxpayer funded, non-elected, bureacrat, decided that she would direct the processing of Illegal Aliens as she pleased. Two possibilities as I see it:
A. She is a sympathizer of Illegal Aliens.


B. She feels that Illegal Aliens can not commit a crime


C.She thinks it is permissable for one Mexican to kill another.

01 April 2007

Why I will NOT talk to Liberals

Why liberals get it wrong (on nearly everything!
By Kevin McCulloughSunday, April 1, 2007

Given the chance to do what is right, liberals will consistently choose otherwise.
They do so because they adopt a worldview that is based on "what feels good." They follow impulses instead of moral standards. And they seem to cheer for our enemies instead of our allies. Which when you think of it seems to be a defining characteristic of someone who has lost their mind.

This week was replete with perfect examples:

Rosie O'Donnell decided this week to throw the rest of her considerable heft (rhetorically speaking) behind the mullahs, and the crazy man in Iran. In a clip that will live in Internet infamy she actually objects to calling terrorists "evil". She took the side of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards over GPS. She then launched into conspiracy theory that the United States planned an organized destruction of World Trade 7. A theory that has already long been debunked - not by politicians - but by Popular Mechanics. On the upside - if we can merely convince her "family" (composed of people entirely unrelated to her) to vote her off, she may leave “The View” in May 2007.

Al Gore dared to assault the intelligence of humanity by comparing the struggle for Civil Rights in the 1960's (which his own father sought to stall) to his own pet project - global warming. Gore's rhetoric that mankind is in control of the warming trend that is affecting seven planets in our solar system is laughable. But peddling his half-hatched theories to the genuine pain of people who endured ill-treatment only because of skin color defies seriousness.

John Travolta, not to be outdone, felt free to lecture movie goers at the British premiere of his new movie, about the perils of global warming as well. Shortly thereafter it was discovered that as he was busy adding up some 30,000 flight miles in the past year, on his personal fleet of five airplanes, his personal carbon emissions rate stood at 800 tons; more than 100 times the average person.

Congressional Liberals felt perfectly comfy spending nearly 48 billion of your tax dollars on pork, peanuts, and spinach over the past two weeks, but couldn't find time to fund our soldiers before spring break. They also seem to have no opinion whatsoever about the fact that our allies are facing a serious crisis in our shared struggle against terror. And for a bonus they then turned around and increased the taxes you pay by $400,000,000,000.

Diane Feinstein had an even tougher week because it was revealed that she and her husband were making serious dough off the war, and with her being on the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee and all...

Hillary Clinton had to resort to asking a philanderer to hit her campaign trail early, far in advance of when she had originally intended. Why? So that, in true keeping with her liberal mentality, she could stick the dagger in the heart of Barack Obama. The unintended result however may be coming back to haunt her in the not to distant future. Turns out even some liberals don’t like enduring Clinton’s best fund-raising technique. You and I commonly refer to it as a shakedown.

CNN and James Carville both thought they had pulled one over on viewers, but in doing so demonstrated that they could stab a fellow liberal in the back as easily as Hillary herself. Both CNN and Carville also know and understand the importance of proper disclosure - and chose to not do so. Carville pretended to be giving an unbiased view of the Democratic primary race (even though he is on Hillary’s payroll,) and CNN pretended not to notice.

Nancy Pelosi, following in the steps of John Kerry, Chris Dodd, and Howard Dean, is planning on going to Syria to consult with the enemy. Syria of course has been providing upwards of 80% of the suicide bombers that have killed innocent American G.I.s and Iraqi citizens in Iraq.

A vile, liberal assault on Christians was only narrowly avoided this week, when people of strong faith objected to the use of Holy Week as a time to mock Jesus Christ.

Omar Mohammadi, an ACLU attorney, decided to take up the case of the six flying Imams, and to file a lawsuit against the passengers on the airplane who the Imams originally scared in the first place.

Liberals in New York City are crying out that Ronell Wilson - who was convicted of killing two NYPD police officers this week - not receive the death penalty. Wilson was the first person to be sentenced to death in New York in fifty years. Wilson was convicted of killing the officers "execution style."

The liberal mainstream media chose to willfully misrepresent the comments of Dr. James Dobson as it pertained to Fred Thompson running for President.

And socially liberal Rudy Giuliani was for his wife being part of presidential cabinet meetings, before he was against it.
These are great examples.
The biggest one to me is Rosie O'Donnell.
About two or three years ago, I watched a video by some whack-job
Liar-For-Hire putting forth the idea that the towers of the World Trade Center were imploded like any building undergoing demolition. Of Course, the Bush Administration had done this so we could invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
To believe this, you had to not believe that IslamoFascists had attacked us since Jimmah Cart-uh had sold out the Shah in 1979.
You had to ignore news and private video showing the second aircraft crashing into the Towers.
Apparently, Popular Mechanics Magazine had employed REAL engineers
you analyze the dynamics of the attack on the Towers. Using REAL evidence, they explained how the inferno after the collisions super-heated the steel support structure turned to a warm butter consistency, allowing the upper stories to collapse on the lower ones in a hammer effect, driving the whole Tower into the ground.
Yet, here is gargoyle O'Donnell proclaiming that Bush did it.
Liberals have "Drank the Kool-aid"
In November of 1978, the world was shocked by the suicide deaths of 913 members of the People's Temple cult. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown, Guyana, a remote community that Jones carved out of the South American jungle and named after himself. Jones constantly feared losing control of his followers. His paranoia was the main reason he moved the cult to Guyana.
The mass suicide occurred after U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan of California and a team of reporters visited the compound to investigate reports of abuse. After some members tried to leave with the congressman’s group, Jim Jones had Ryan and his entourage ambushed at the nearby airstrip. He then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide.
The mass suicide wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. During the weeks that preceded the dreadful event, Jones had conducted a series of suicide drills, according to survivors. An alarm call would sound and every person in the camp would line up to receive a fatal dosage. These exercises in insanity proved that all of the adults at the compound knew what would be the result of their actions.
The People’s Temple did not start off as your average mind-controlling cult. It initially gained much respect as an interracial mission for the sick, homeless and jobless. Jim Jones did not manifest his darker side until near the end.
One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." Of course, you would have to know of Kool-Aid’s dubious connection to Jim Jones to understand the proverb.
The only thing killed in today's dialogue is the speaker's logic and reason, plus a blinding toward scientific, verifiable FACTS.
Yet, these people--and I have some relatives who fall into this category, cling to Talking Points put out by James Carville/Bob Shrum/ and Democratic Party like a 1 year-old does their "Blankie"
A. They will speak these already disproved assertions.
B. If you try to show them the error, you are suddenly a "Racist, bigoted, Hater"
C. If you try further, they escalate to trying to shout you down, and if agitated further, watch for a physical attack.
